Technical Assistance and Research & Development

Education and research are core missions of bg视讯 Grains. 在这里,您可以通过技术援助视频了解该领域从业者和先驱的知识和经验, fact sheets, case studies, webinars, and more. Check back for updates. 


On Growing

Thor Oechsner of
Farmer Ground Flour

On Baking

Stefan Senders of
Wide Awake Bakery

On Malting

Andrea Stanley of
Valley Malt

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Case Studies

Marketing Local Grains in the Northeast

消费者对本地种植谷物的需求为东北地区的农民和谷物加工商创造了新的市场机会. 绿色市场区域谷物项目和有机种植者研究和信息共享网络合作生产了这个工具, which identifies which grains grow best in the region, the markets available for them, and the quality standards required to sell into those markets, as well as key sales strategies. Through this initiative, funded by the USDA's Rural Microenterprise Assistance Program, 促进区域粮食系统的发展壮大.

Baking Sourdough Using Heritage and Modern Wheats: A Quality Evaluation

"Mixing come-together,” “proofing tolerance tackiness,和“面包屑质地的柔软度”——只有最专业的面包师才知道这些术语. Fortunately, 2014年1月,工匠们聚集在一起评估这些和其他烘焙品质,完成了这项任务. Feedback from these bakers, as well as from professional chefs and millers, was collected in three rounds of “Quality Evaluations.第一次是在伊萨卡附近的宽醒面包店(Wide Awake Bakery),关注传统和现代小麦在酸面包烘焙中的应用, NY, in 2014. Tapped by the Greenmarket Regional Grains Project and its partners, 在烘焙大师兼教育家杰弗里·哈梅尔曼的带领下,一组精选的专业烘焙师聚集在一起,为7种不同面粉的烘焙表现打分, each made with a different wheat variety.

这些面包师和厨师一直站在将新谷物推向市场的最前沿. 他们向作物科学家提供了关于不同品种在烹饪和烘焙过程中的表现的关键反馈, and the ultimate test -- eating. 他们的意见是增值粮食项目组正在进行的研究的中坚力量.

“这些专业人士真正知道他们需要从各种小麦中得到什么,” said lead researcher Lisa Kissing Kucek of Cornell University. “这些人将确保研究结果与每天使bg视讯的粮食系统蓬勃发展的人们相关.”

这些分数与收获前阶段的测量结果(如数量下降和蛋白质含量下降)以及进食最后阶段的测量结果相结合, 当训练有素的品尝者食用不同形式的小麦品种并报告他们的体验时,

Making Emmer Pasta at Gramercy Tavern: A Quality Evaluation

The second quality evaluation, also in 2014, evaluated four varieties of the ancient grain emmer, which chefs at Gramercy Tavern used to make pasta. 在GRGP和bg视讯的合作伙伴举办的为期三天的活动中,Gramercy Tavern的主厨迈克尔·安东尼(Michael Anthony)是食品专业人士之一,他们比较了四种不同的emmer品种, measuring their qualities for baking, pasta-making, and eating.

认证食品分级师利兹·克拉克(Liz Clark)对一群从食品行业挑选出来的品尝师进行了全天的“感官训练”. The purpose was to calibrate their definitions for such descriptors as nutty, 酸味和耐嚼——限制主观体验的可能性,让团队尽可能客观.

与此同时,来自Sfoglini Pasta和Gramercy Tavern的厨师用这4种面粉制作了意大利面, scoring qualities like “shininess,” “graininess,” and “cohesion.他们对康奈尔大学研究人员的反馈将成为最终研究结果的一个支柱.

The following day at the Natural Gourmet Institute, 13名训练有素的品尝师再次聚集在一起进行主要活动:五小时的感官评估,让他们品尝数十种煮熟的全谷物和意大利面样品,同时填写科学调查,测量“青草味”等数十种感官品质,” “fresh,” and “herbaceous.”



当然,一种谷物也必须在东北的田地里长得很好,才能成为一种可行的地区性作物. 所有三项质量评估测试的谷物都是从146个古代品种中挑选出来的, 自2011年以来,作物科学家一直在对传统和现代谷物进行实地试验. 在收获时测量它们的数量下降、蛋白质含量和有毒化学物质呕吐毒素.

Beyond testing existing varieties, 科学家们也在利用这些反馈来创造新的小麦品种,以满足有机农民的需求, bakers, and consumers. Lisa Kissing Kucek offers this example: "We have crossed 'Red Fife,' which has unique taste but does not perform well in the field, with 'Warthog,' a variety that has excellent performance on organic farms.”

恢复东北地区食品级谷物的种植是土壤强健的关键因素, a healthy diet, and thriving local economies. The project team - which includes GRGP, OGRINCornell University, and NOFA-NY - is working toward that goal, helping farmers, 磨坊主和其他人填补了知识和基础设施基础上的空白,这是由于20世纪初东北谷物种植的消失而造成的.

More Research from GRGP & Partners



About Our Funding

We are fortunate to have our work funded through these grant programs: 

Value-added Grains for Local and Regional Food Systems USDA, Organic Research and Education Initiative (OREI)
Greenmarket加入了一个由可持续农业研究人员和其他专家组成的国家团队,以开发和扩大食品级产品的生产规模, high-value wheats and other grains, with funding from the USDA. bg视讯的合作伙伴正在研究如何优化传统小麦和其他谷物的品质和市场潜力, through their improved growth, processing, management and marketing. 绿色市场的主要作用是探索进入当地和区域市场的战略.

Growing Agricultural Businesses around Regional Grains Production. USDA, Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP)
RMAP倡议为农民创造了技术援助工具, millers, 面包师和其他希望从事食品级谷物加工和烘焙的企业家. 在美国农业部的资助下,与有机种植者研究和信息共享网络(OGRIN)合作,, we produced technical assistance videos, hosted workshops, and published online fact sheets and case studies.

从农场到面包店:建立区域种植和加工谷物的价值链. USDA, Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP)
绿色市场区域谷物项目的第一个资助项目是“从农场到面包店”,” in which we matched flour mills sourcing grain from region.
